Am I ready to be a parent?
Deciding to parent is the first step of a long, wonderful journey. It is only natural to have concerns about parenting – even families who plan their pregnancies have fears and worries. You might be nervous about parenting for any of these reasons:
- You want to have the baby, but the father or your parents are unsupportive
- You think having a child will make your future plans impossible
- You worry about what people will think
- You don’t know how you would care for a child financially
- You feel too young
These are normal reasons to be nervous, but they don’t mean you aren’t capable of parenting. At Options for Women East, we can offer you a variety of programs at no-cost to help you every step of the way.
Education and life coaching
We want every new parent to be confident when they begin their parenting journey. That’s why we offer education and life coaching to new and expecting parents completely at no-cost. You’ll learn about pregnancy, infant care, and many more topics that will help you become the best parent you can be. By participating regularly in our programs, you can earn items to meet the needs of you and your baby.
Prenatal & Postpartum Care
Any woman who recently discovered she’s pregnant is eligible to go through an admission screening process in our prenatal & postpartum program at no-cost. Prenatal and postpartum care is important to the health of both the mother and the child. We offer these programs because we want to walk with you throughout your pregnancy journey and support you and your family beyond birth, even amidst the stress of life’s surprises.
At Options for Women East, we understand the worries you have when faced with unexpected pregnancy. We offer no-cost resources to prepare you and help you be confident as a parent. Contact us today for more information on parenting resources or to sign up.
*Because of the scope of our services, Options for Women East neither refers for or perform abortions, nor refers for or prescribes the pill. What is most important for us is to be there for you in that moment where we can provide you more information for whatever steps you are considering. The best way to do this is never alone, but in an environment that is safe and compassionate, a space to process and listen, and with free consultation on any medical questions answered by competent and licensed medical professionals. We thank you for your understanding!